Klienterne siger:


“Rasmus har en helt særlig måde at være der på, som altid får mig til at føle, at jeg trygt kan give slip og give efter.

Han har en stærk intuition og i behandlingen guider han blidt og nænsomt uden at presse på.

Rasmus har en undersøgende tilgang i sin behandling og dedikerer sig altid fuldt.”

— Julie 2018

“It was immediately apparent to me that Rasmus has a tremendous talent. He goes into a state of heightened attention, as he identifies areas of hidden tension, that I was not even aware of myself.

He goes to work with strong hands on the muscles, tendons or lymph node where the tension is stored.

I am given time to bring my attention to what makes the sensation so uncomfortable, I become present with the pain and then suddenly the pain passes, and I am left feeling calm and connected to my body.”

— Benjamin 2012

“Rasmus er nærværende og formår altid at finde frem til de underliggende problemer i sin behandling, så man er i meget kyndige hænder hos ham.”

— Christian 2016

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